

Holistic Embodiment and Resonance Therapy

Welcome into a realm where the unseen becomes visible and the unfelt tangible, the unspoken gets a voice and your true self emerges.

A Holistic Approach to Healing that addresses all Dimensions of your Humanness






Natur, Struktur, Island, atmosphärisch, Fotografie, außergewöhnliches Island, Untergrund, Unterwelt, jenseitig, Waldlandschaft,

Holistic Embodiment and Resonance Therapy

At H.E.A.R.T., we offer an unique and transformative approach to life.

Our modality combines diverse techniques to work with the human body-mind system, coverging ancient wisdom and modern approaches.

H.E.A.R.T. is applicable in many areas. From individual therapy to supporting groups in creating more harmony to conflict resolution to many more.

Art is the stored honey of the human soul. - Theodore Dreiser

Art is the stored honey of the human soul. - Theodore Dreiser

H.E.A.R.T. Project is not only a powerful tool for personal and collective development, but also an A.R.T.-Project.

We believe in the transformative power of art as a medium for deep expression of the human soul and create beautiful pieces of art in form of photography during our group sessions which can be admired or purchased after.

We are continuously offering individual and group sessions, workshops and retreats around the world and online and are delighted to welcome you into these spaces.

Get In Touch With Us

Whether you are curious to learn more about the project, feel the calling to work with us, have comments or inspiring ideas about the work or are interested in collaborations — MESSAGE US.

We look forward to read about your propositions, ideas, interest, curiosity or desire to go onto a deep soul journey with us.

Textur „Schwarzer Sand“