The Core of H.E.A.R.T.

Holistic Embodiment and Resonance Therapy

H.E.A.R.T. is an inclusive, holistic therapeutic approach, intending to address all aspects and layers of humanness through time and space into a healing modality that goes beyond the spoken word.

Consciousness, Love, Vitality.

Body, Mind, Soul.

Thoughts, Feelings, Sensations.

Karmic Ancestral and Past Life Heritage, Future Akashic Records.

Energy, Frequency, Vibration.

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration

(Nikola Tesla)

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration (Nikola Tesla)

H.E.A.R.T. stands for

  • Seeing yourself as a whole system, rather than a collection of separate parts.

    Emphasizing the interconnectedness, integration, and unity of the elements within your system.

    Focusing on the totality of your physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of being human.

    This means understanding how different parts of you interact and contribute to your overall experience.

    Understanding yourself within your broader context, taking into account factors such as environment, relationships, history, and culture that can influence and shape your whole system.

    Changes in one part of your system can have ripple effects on other parts.

    HOLISTIC signifies an approach that looks at your whole picture, considers multiple perspectives and dimensions, and seeks to understand how everything fits together as a cohesive unit.

  • Bringing all your previously unconscious and unaware patterns, motifs, and beliefs into integration.

    Including your BODY as a gateway and wisdom keeper to your unconsciousness through incorporating your physical and sensational reality.

    Embodiment emphasizes the integral role of your body in shaping your experiences, thoughts, and interactions with the world.

  • adding your soul point of view in everything you see ;)

  • Working with your underlying frequency reveals the truth about your feelings, shadows, and behaviors.

    As practitioners, we work with your energetic emissions and vibrational frequency, guiding you to your truth by uncovering your unconscious thoughts, feelings, and patterns.

    Your body expresses what your mind may not be aware of.

    Resonance refers to connecting emotionally or intellectually with others, understanding their perspective, and creating mutual understanding and rapport.

    It signifies harmonious alignment with deeper truths, principles, or energies, being in tune with yourself, others, or the universe.

    RESONANCE embodies vibration, harmony, connection, and amplification, occurring when external vibrations match your natural frequency.

  • H.E.A.R.T. is designed as a therapeutic modality to offer you healing, integration, and transformation.

    Therapy refers to the treatment or intervention aimed at improving your mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical well-being.

At H.E.A.R.T. we include the following principles and methods

Exploration of Love, Life Force and Consciousness

At the core of H.E.A.R.T. lies the fundamental curiosity for being a human BEING. What makes you human? How can you be a human in this world in a way that does justice to all of the aspects of your humanness, of your bodies, of your mind and of your soul?

In totality, letting your human and soul meet, comes back to the incorporation of

LOVE - finding the way back to the heart, back to love as your fundamental state of being (and we don’t speak about the romanticised Hollywood type of love, but the frequency, vibration of love that permeates all and IS all - remember, love)

LIFE FORCE - supporting you in increasing vitality and opening your body and your capacity to your primal, raw, underlying energy, called by many as chi, prana, ki, mana, vital energy or life force energy

CONSCIOUSNESS - opening a space for you to explore the manifold expressions of consciousness, to investigate the iterations of the human mind, perception and awareness and the shifts that can occur

4D Perspective on Human Nature

Everything about you—your thoughts, emotions, and physical body—is governed by energy and waves.

Your mind and emotions create energy patterns with wave-like properties, while your brain and heart emit electromagnetic waves that influence your mental and emotional states. These energies transfer between people, creating emotional resonance.

Your body's cells vibrate at specific frequencies affected by your emotions, with positive feelings harmonizing these vibrations and negative ones disrupting them. Understanding and balancing these energies are crucial for your holistic well-being, highlighting the interconnectedness of your mental, emotional, and physical health

Somatic Wisdom

By tuning into your physical sensations, we access deeper layers of emotions, memories, and thoughts, stored in the body. Following the understanding that the unconscious is stored in the body. This process helps you connect with your inner self and fosters a sense of wholeness and well-being.

Karmic Diagnostics

We explore the connections between past and present experiences, helping you gain insights into your life's journey. Understanding your karmic knots enriches your comprehension about current life events and circumstances, which de-tangles the felt experience of limitations given in this life. By understanding and integrating the past you gain the freedom to create and choose your future.

Self-Leadership and Creation

We believe in your innate ability to be the creator of your life’s experiences and circumstances.

Encouraging you in radical self-responsibility for your unique and personal experience of life, even the dark, nitty gritty, shadowy aspects that are hard to take ownership for.

We support your journey from reacting to life’s events and feeling like a victim (“things are happening to me”) to proactively creating your desired experiences (“I am creating this”).

This perspective emboldens you to take leadership in your life and fosters profound self-mastery.

  • Emotional release involves recognizing how emotions can become trapped within the body as stored energy.

    Emotions are energy in motion, often felt as bodily sensations tied to thoughts and feelings. Ideally, emotions flow naturally, but unpleasant ones like anger, frustration, or fear can get stuck if suppressed. Unacknowledged emotions create blockages leading to physical or mental issues.

    The body stores unexpressed emotions, disrupting life force energy and causing various problems. Emotional release provides a safe space for these emotions to surface and be felt.

    Liberating stuck energy promotes vitality, freedom in expressing desires and boundaries, and overall harmony and health.

    Facilitated by a space holder or group, this process enhances safety and acceptance for emotional healing.

  • Trauma involves holding onto past experiences where needs were unmet, boundaries violated, or safety threatened. These imprints are stored in our body and mind, resurfacing in similar situations. Childhood traumas, stemming from caregiver neglect, have profound impacts, manifesting as blocked energy, unexpressed emotions, and fear linked to perceived threats.

    Healing trauma requires creating a loving, accepting environment for these vulnerable parts to resurface and repattern. This process forms new, positive imprints, fostering safety, authenticity, and fulfillment in life.

  • Based on the theory that we are interconnected souls experiencing multiple lifetimes, planting karmic seeds that affect us across lifetimes.

    Karma and Unconscious Seeds: Actions and decisions from past lives plant karmic seeds, which manifest as effects in our current life. Many of these seeds remain unconscious, influencing our present without our awareness.

    Bringing the Unconscious to Consciousness: Past life regression helps uncover these unconscious imprints, making them conscious so that we can understand and integrate them. This allows us to recognize patterns and issues rooted in past lives and address them in the present.

    Integration and Healing: By remembering past life experiences and the traumas associated with them, we can integrate these memories, releasing the energy held in the trauma and allowing healing. Understanding these past influences enables us to choose different paths and break free from repeating patterns.

    Expanding Timelines: The concept of multiple timelines suggests that our past and future are not fixed. By altering our understanding of past experiences through regression, we can choose new timelines for our future, creating different outcomes and possibilities.

    Shadow Work: Past life regression involves recognizing and integrating darker aspects of ourselves, such as perpetrator or violent energies, which are part of our human nature. Accepting these aspects reduces their unconscious influence and integrates them into our conscious psyche.

    Releasing Opposites: Sometimes the issues we face in this life are the result of opposite experiences in past lives. For instance, scarcity in this life might stem from greed in a past life. Recognizing and accepting these opposing energies helps balance and integrate them.

    Past life regression is about bringing unconscious past influences into conscious awareness, integrating them, and reclaiming the power to make conscious choices, thereby facilitating healing and personal growth.

    Conscious Choice: Making these unconscious patterns conscious gives us the power to choose differently, freeing us from the automatic repetition of past traumas and patterns.

    Overall, past life regression is about bringing unconscious past influences into conscious awareness, integrating them, and reclaiming the power to make conscious choices, thereby facilitating healing and personal growth.oes here

  • To address entity work, it's important to note that sometimes entities are actually dissociated parts of ourselves that we don't recognize.

    In other cases, when we are in a vulnerable state, we may attract certain invisible beings.

    Our goal is to help people understand and clear these entities and provide tools for recognizing and working with them.

    This topic should be approached softly and effectively without going into too much detail, focusing on identifying different types of entities and their effects on us.

  • Energy healing involves realigning energetic channels and restoring natural energy flow by unblocking stuck parts and untying knots.

    This process creates a natural flow of energy within us.

    Practically, this healing is achieved by offering compassionate, non-judgmental love. By vibrating love intensely in a group or personal session, healing occurs naturally.

    The focus is on creating a space where the soul can integrate and heal itself.

  • We often stray from our soul's calling and mission, and the goal is to reconnect with our soul's voice, mission, and truth to remember our true selves.

    This understanding helps us integrate our soul's calling into our daily lives.

    In som altered states of consciousness, we may briefly sense this connection but then lose it.

    The aim is to anchor this understanding in our body and find creative ways to embody our soul's path in the present.

    By listening to our soul's "song," we can better align our actions with our true purpose, manifesting it here and now.

  • Shadow Work explores unconscious aspects of our psyche shaped by childhood experiences, societal norms, familial influences, past lives or the collective consciousness.

    These shadows harbor unexpressed feelings, unmet needs, and desires deemed unacceptable, containing potent energy.

    Integrating these shadow aspects into our conscious awareness liberates energy and fosters wholeness.

    By acknowledging and embracing these parts, we reduce the tendency to suppress them, allowing for conscious actions and decisions.

    Unaddressed shadows often manifest unconsciously in our behavior, impacting our interactions despite our lack of awareness.

    Shadow Work enhances personal control and freedom by integrating these projections, minimizing inner conflicts, and broadening our choices.

    It promotes self-reflection, helping us recognize that qualities we dislike in others may mirror our own suppressed traits.

What to expect in a session

Our sessions are a dynamic blend of various therapeutic elements tailored to your unique needs, and can possibly include:

The Art Of Processing

What happens in an individual session

In 1:1 sessions, we delve into the root cause of your issues using karmic diagnostics.

Sessions can address

  • relational difficulties

  • money or career problems

  • health issues & illness

  • questions about self-worth or identity

  • difficulties with emotions or beliefs

  • spiritual questions

  • … (literally anything can be an entry point)

The goal is to create equilibrium and harmony and liberating stuck energy and patterns affecting your mental, emotional, energetic, physical, or astral realms.

Most sessions occur in a trance-like state to bypass the conscious mind and address the unconscious, using bodily sensations as gateways.

By freeing energy held in contractions, sensations, or thought patterns, you can make new choices and experience greater aliveness and embodiment. Bringing awareness to unconscious patterns enables repatterning, shifting from "things happen to me" to "I create my life”, aligning more deeply with your soul's mission and journey.

The Power of the Group

Energetic Field Work Explained

Working in a group setting offers unique benefits. Observing how group members influence each other's processes and how the group seeks harmony is a powerful experience.

Typical Group Session Structure:

  1. Introduction: Getting to know each other.

  2. Observing the field: letting the most relevant theme emerge organically.

  3. Scanning: Identifying emotional or energetic activations and resistances.

  4. Individual Focus: Bringing one member into the center to process with closed eyes.

  5. Group Reactions: Observing the group's responses and leveraging supportive energies.

  6. Constellation Work: Group members represent aspects of the central individual's process, offering new insights.

  7. Homeostasis: Gradually bringing the group into a state of harmony, where deep healing can occur through resonance.

Each session is unique, addressing themes like childhood trauma, past life regression, or ancestral healing, depending on the group's dynamics and needs.

Why a Group Field can accelerate the Individual Process

Group Dynamics: In a group setting, unlike one-on-one sessions, multiple energies and interactions can trigger a wider range of personal issues to surface for healing

Influence and Projection: Individuals in a group consciously and unconsciously respond to each other's energies, emotions, and karmic imprints. This dynamic helps reveal and address deeper aspects of oneself that might not emerge in solitary settings.

Energy Synchronization: Positive energies, like love, can raise the frequency of the entire group, helping even those with lower frequencies (e.g., fear, shame) to heal by synchronizing with higher vibrations.

Healing Potential: Groups provide a broader scope for projecting and reflecting personal fears, traumas, and ancestral issues. This mirroring can help individuals understand themselves better.

Constellation Work: By recreating and altering past traumatic scenarios in a group, individuals can change their memories' emotional impact, promoting healing. This process acknowledges that memories are not fixed and can be reshaped for psychological well-being.

The Benefits of this Work

Participating in a group session or a therapeutic session has several benefits, particularly in integrating different parts of your being—physical, emotional, mental, and energetic. This holistic approach aims to optimize the functioning of your entire system by addressing dissociated parts and creating coherence within yourself. The therapeutic methods involved are comprehensive, dealing with embodiment, energy, talk therapy, mental patterns, physical realignment, and trauma healing, including karmic patterns.

H.E.A.R.T. tackles the root causes of issues rather than just alleviating symptoms, unlike traditional medicine. It reaches deep into the core of your problems, addressing them on a soul level, which often cannot be accessed through conventional therapy alone. By understanding and re-patterning our karmic knots and the experiences you manifest in life, you empower yourself to shift your life positively.

H.E.A.R.T. is designed to achieve a fuller, happier, and more fulfilled life, as you gain a deeper understanding of who you are, how you are affected by your environment, and how to creatively change your life circumstances. This understanding leads to self-responsibility, creative initiative, and personal transformation, which in turn affects the collective environment.

Ultimately, this process is a path to enlightenment, helping you free yourself from limiting patterns and align with your true mission and goals.