Individual Sessions

In Person.

We offer individual in person sessions with either one of us (1:1) or both of us (2:1) to support you in your unique life journey.

These can include:

  • Processing (Emotions, Past Lives, Entity Work)

  • Trauma Repattering

  • Rebirthing Sessions


Inquire about possibilities to work online, either 1:1 or 2:1.

Especially for those who don’t have the possibility to meet us in person, but are interested in working with us.

Margot, Switzerland:

“The journey we went through was delicate and powerful. We did beautiful work together, addressing my biggest fear connected to sexual trauma and sexualization by men.

It was particularly meaningful to go through this with Žan, who is a man. Initially, I felt blocked and unable to open up to Žan, but as he sensed and named it, I was able to open up to the process with him. Full trust developed during the session, allowing me to fully open myself.

I felt the support of my guides, angels, and invisible beings that we called upon at the beginning of the session. Creating a bubble of safety before starting was important for me to go deep. The experience was intense and beautiful. By the end, I felt super open and full of trust.

It was beautiful and inspiring to see Žan's biggest 'tool' was his intuition, following what he felt in the moment and trusting it. He went step by step, listening to the magical, natural wisdom inside us. It was powerful to realize that everything we need is already there, and creating a space for it to be expressed and transformed is essential.“

„Miriam is very intuitive, artful, and loving in the way she holds space. This combined with her flexible coaching style allowed some real healing work and nervous system regulation to take place within me. She is a very powerful listener, and is able to reflect back some deep insights and then work to integrate and heal the uncovered wounds. She holds deep and divine feminine energy. It was such a blessing to be able to work with her. Thank you Miriam!“

- Sarah, USA

„Very sensitive and empathetic sessions. I felt very comfortable with Miriam from the start. She has a very good feel for the nuances and incorporates this directly into her work. I can highly recommend sessions with her.”

-Nicole, Germany

“I am so grateful for her guidance, as I have experienced an intensity in the sessions that I had never known before. I have already seen wonderful progress.

Miriam is a master at what she does. Time and again, she has led me into previously unknown depths of my being. She fully engages with me and has this wonderful gift of putting into words what I cannot express.

With the help of her sensitive antennas, it was possible to set processes in motion and bring healing to areas where I had previously failed with professional help or didn't even know needed healing.

Miriam creates space for my own insights. Our collaboration is an exciting journey to myself.”

-Anke, Germany

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